So I did, which was fine, until we entered the long final hill and I nearly got mowed down by a passing motorbike. He said we had to stay on the left of the road unless told otherwise. I asked the guy nearest me what the rules were. I noticed I was running on pavements (the roads had cars on them!), while everyone else was staying on the road. Criccieth Castle looking bendigedig in the background It’s called Welsh Castles Relay for a reason. My heart rate on the way to the start was 35bpm, impressive, considering the way our minibus was racing around. Personally, I was finding it hard to get into Game Frame for my run, Leg 3, 12.2 miles. I was ready to kick off about it, but Coach Ken said it was OK so. 2nd place still haven’t crossed the finish line actually. We did excellently, finishing 3rd in our debut. Runners crashed into each other, threw water bottles over officials and knocked themselves out on lampposts.

Lots of thrills and spills, rushing around, very fun event, if slightly (completely) chaotic. A lot of us (me) weren’t really sure what was going on, there was a 75 page rule book (who is going to read that?). Kent AC had never done this event before, so it was a great chance for the team to get together, and right on my doorstep too. 20 runners in a team, each covering roughly 10 miles. Welsh Castles Relay on the weekend, a 209 mile, 2 day race from Caernarfon Castle, North Wales, down to Cardiff Castle. Well done Dan, the only one bothered enough to wear the team kit Welsh Castles Relayįelt tired coming into this week from the drive to London over bank holiday.