Music is good, but kind of average for the genre. Gameplay is action-packed and fast-paced, making it sometimes a little hard to keep up with the opposing character. Fortunately, these moves are not hard to pull off. The character has six main attacks and a few special moves. After every battle, your character will learn a new special move that will make gameplay a little easier. Each character stands upright and has his own fighting style, each very funny to watch. The graphics in the game are amazing, creating a perfect cartoonish feel. In short: every four years, on the uncharted island of Brutal, the best.

You have choices ranging from hares to lions, foxes, and even roosters. Earlier this year, in 1994, the game was released for the Sega CD and SNES console. There should not be any problem choosing your favorite animal to fight with. Throughout the game, your character travels across Dalai Llama’s island, fighting a series of duels before getting to the final showdown. There are many different fighters to choose from, all animals, giving the game a cutesy feeling. 1995 Game perspective Side view 5 votes Brutal: Paws of Fury is a one-on-one fighting game across a variety of levels, with mostly outdoor terrain. You must work your way through the ranks, eventually fighting the Dalai Llama himself. The Dalai Llama has organized a fighting school. Easily as good as MK, it serves up a good amount of difficulty and fun. On the other hand, the Amiga version, thanks to better compression, features two additional characters.Brutal - Paws of Fury was a Mortal Kombat clone made by Gametek in 1995. The Amiga version is a faithful conversion of the Mega Drive one, excluding the controls, that use 3 buttons in the SEGA version, something not possible on the Amiga version where the joystick has one button only. Hopefully, the religious leader didn't get offended by the reference.

The game was similar to other fighting games of the time. Funnily, the final boss to defeat is Dali Llama - a llama, of course. Brutal: Paws of Fury is a fighting game starring anthropomorphic characters as the in-game fighters.
Not to mention Kung-Fu Bunny, which makes you wonder if Pixar didn't take inspiration from this game when they created Kung Fu Panda in 2008. Much like a Disney movie, you will have heroes such as Ivan the Bear, Tai Cheetah, Prince Leon of Kenya, Rhei Rat, and others. Boxing Legends of The Ring (1993) Brutal: Paws of Fury (1994). Unlike Mortal Kombat with its hyper-realistic graphics, or Street Fighter II, which had human combatants (though with fantasy powers), Paws of Fury features a cast of animal fighters. GEMS (Genesis Editor for Music and Sound effects) is a Sega Mega Drive sound driver. The game was also ported and released for the Amiga, SNES, and MS-DOS. Brutal: Paws of Fury is a competitive beat-em-up created by GameTek for SEGA CD and Mega Drive/Genesis in 1994.